Seeds of Change, Roots of Hope
Valiant Waters is a revolutionary aquaponics farm specializing in sustainable farming methods and incorporating fish farming of yellow perch and Japanese koi. Our mission is to make the ordinary extraordinary by providing fresh, all-natural produce in a way that's both environmentally friendly and innovative.

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At Valiant Waters, we are dedicated to transforming the way farming is done. Through our innovative aquaponics system, we are able to cultivate a wide variety of crops while also raising fish in a symbiotic environment. This allows us to maximize resources and minimize waste, resulting in a truly sustainable and eco-friendly farming method.
Updated Jan 13, 2025

Q: Is your business open?
A: No, our farm is not yet operational.
Q: What's preventing you from opening?
A: Working capital. We need to raise a minimum of $10,000 on the very low end to $100,000 (preferred) to have enough capital to rent a building and purchase the equipment.
Q: Can people invest?
A: Yes, we are structured as a C Corp in the State of Wisconsin with allotted shares. Anyone interested should contact us at urbanfarmer@valiantwatersfarm.com
Q: Is this a get rich quick scheme?
A: Absolutely not. Aquaponics is a slow process in which it can take years to get enough product into the market to turn a profit. Additionally, the fish farm aspect is also slow in that it will take a minimum of 12-18 months before our first sale of fish.
Q: What will the fish aspect look like for the farm?
A: Our biggest goals for the fish farm program will be focused on breeding, hatching fry and maintaining a sustainable hatchery.
Q: What kind of fish will be have?
A: Currently, we don't want to discuss what fish exactly, but one of the fish will be local to the waters of the Midwest.
Q: What will happen to the fish?
A: Most of our fish will be sold after reaching market size to stores and restaurants. Our goal is to donate a portion of live fish every year to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to aid in conservation.